Italy Tightens Gambling Advertising Rules
This is the reposting of an article first appeared on gbgc.com (http://www.gbgc.com/2012/12/italy-tightens-gambling-advertising-rules) Significant new barriers…
This is the reposting of an article first appeared on gbgc.com (http://www.gbgc.com/2012/12/italy-tightens-gambling-advertising-rules) Significant new barriers…
The European Commission has unveiled an Action Plan to address barriers to the full use…
After over 30 years of trying, Parliament and the Council are close to agreeing on…
This is the reposting of a comment first published on Prof. Vincent Guatrais’s blog at www.gautrais.com…
Why were digital content websites selected for this Sweep? The use and sale of on-line…
1. Numerazione automatica, concorrenza e pluralismo nei media. Con la delibera n. 442/12/CONS del 4…
La Commissione Europea nella riunione odierna ha discusso le linee programmatiche della sua iniziativa dei…
Teatro Valle – Giovedì 6 dicembre alle ore 19 Un incontro pubblico per inaugurare “Diritti agli…
At the initiative of President Barroso, the European Commission has today held an orientation debate…
The European Commission has fined seven international groups of companies a total of € 1 470 515 000 for…
The internet may have been the elephant in Courtroom 73 during the Leveson Inquiry hearings,…
3rd Annual European Data Protection and Privacy Conference /Brussels 4 December 2012 Ladies and Gentlemen,…
On 5 December, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström together with US Attorney General…
Over 100 million EU citizens would find it easier to use online public services to…
Seminario Bocconi 27-11-12_PERRI
Il problema dell’informazione sui media desta sempre notevole interesse, che si connota di un fascino…
Per molte aziende del commercio elettronico le settimane che precedono il Natale sono uno dei…
For many e-commerce businesses, the weeks leading up to Christmas represent one of the peak…
Con questo articolo di Anna Chiara Calabrese prende avvio la collaborazione editoriale tra Medialaws e…
Click here to read more!
Prosegue la collaborazione editoriale tra Medialaws e Key4biz. Questa settimana riproponiamo un articolo di Raffaella…
Welcome. Right at the centre of our digital agenda for Europe are our broadband targets:…
The Italian Minister for Economic Development has launched a public consultation in view of mapping…
I am delighted to be with you again at the Culture Committee to update you…
Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank Ms In ‘t Veld for her kind invitation to join…
Cybercrime is a growing global problem that no company or country can tackle alone. At…
Il Bundesgerichtshof ha recentemente dato seguito, con un altro “tassello”, alla lunga “querelle” sulla responsabilità…
Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted a Policy on Consultations in the field…